Summer in Iowa City!

How about a break from all of the technical, legal, and financial stuff lately? Iowa City is kind of interesting, in that it appeals to a wide variety of interests.  Home to the University of Iowa, on its face, you have a college town.  While it’s been ranked in the top 5 college towns in…

Saving Money as you Gear Up for an Independence Day Cookout?

We all know about the paper coupon.  But as RVers, we don’t get the usual newspaper subscriptions, and we don’t get the local sales flyers mailed to us.  We want to save, but don’t want piles of coupons cluttering the RV.  Saving money is possible without cluttering the RV using mobile apps like Ibotta.  Ibotta…

Liberty HealthShare Rate Increases and Modifications

Surprise!  After 5 years with no rate changes, Liberty this morning announced a few changes intended to make sure the health sharing organization remains viable.  Yes, rates are going up.  No, benefits aren’t.  But if you’re a purchaser of your own insurance, you’ve seen worse.  You’ll be perhaps pleasantly surprised to know that the increases…

RV Nerds Gets a Facelift

After 3 years with its original look, RV Nerds now has a new look.  It is easier to see multiple posts at a glance on the front page, with shorter snippets and more prominent photos.  It’s also set up for better viewing on high-resolution displays, with a side-by-side format when the viewing window is wide…

Liberty Health Sharing Update for June

I thought I was going to give just a quick update today, adding in June’s health sharing numbers from Liberty.  Last time, I talked about some new reporting from Liberty, and the financial health of the sharing network taking that into account.  But with the second month of the new reporting format, along with audited…

Smart Phone Buying Strategy – Flagship Phones Cheap

There are tons of guides and reviews out there for buying the latest and greatest smartphones.  And there are tons of comparisons of the big four service providers.  This post is more about the strategy to get your hands on a flagship phone without breaking the bank, and getting the best experience out of it….

Garbage Disposal Macerator Replacement

The first one lasted over two years sitting outside and transporting all of the melted chocolate ice cream to its forever home.  But no more.  The garbage disposal macerator I introduced here met its match after some rain.  At a campground with a very soggy site, it got a little too much water into its…

Tired of your RV Water Pump? Here’s a fix for it.

It’s been a while!  Between lots of work, travel, holidays, RV projects, etc., I haven’t written anything here in a while.  But this time I’m writing about something I wish I’d done a long time ago, before I was also fighting a water leak: getting rid of the noisy, pipe-rattling water pump that slows to…

Electrical Myths, Part 4: AGM Batteries Don’t Need Venting

Ok, here’s one that comes up all the time.  You’re looking to add to your battery bank, possibly in conjunction with a solar install, and are eyeing a non-vented space.  AGM batteries to the rescue?  Not so fast.  AGM batteries must still be vented.  Here’s why:

10 Cold Weather RVing Tips for Water Management

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas….aaahhhh! Not so fast, but days are getting shorting and cold weather is approaching.  This marks the start of a series of cold weather RVing tips, in the form of a “top 10” list based on my 11 winters in an RV–including temperatures approaching -30°F, and seeing just…